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V. BAIHP Collaborations

BAIHP researchers collaborate with a variety of entities in the homebuilding industry and the energy efficiency and research realm. Table 81 lists collaborators in the following categories:

  • DOE National Labs (e.g. NREL, LBNL, ORNL)
  • Code and Standards Bodies (e.g. RESNET, NFPA)
  • Industry and Professional Organizations, Universities, and Suppliers


Table 81. BAIHP Collaborations

Collaborators Description/Subject of Collaboration Month
DOE National Labs
DOE-ATLANTA & Pacific Northwest National Lab (PNNL) Hosted Traci Leath (DOE Atlanta Regional Office) and Michael Baechler (PNNL) for a tour of BAIHP facilities (FSEC in Cocoa) and BAIHP partners and projects in Florida (Orlando, Plant City, and Gainesville.) JULY 03
NIST and the Energy Conservatory NIST test home in Gaithersburg, Maryland. JULY 03 on-going
PNNL Worked with Michael Beachler to produce draft of Systems Engineering for Habitat for Humanity 05-06
PNNL Technical Assistance for PNNL's efforts to evaluate HUD Uo value. JULY 03 on-going
PNNL Finalized efforts with PNNL and DOE on BAIHP cost data and duct research efforts. AUG 03
LBNL Hosted Al Hodgson at FSEC and participated with Al on VOC sampling at the MHLab JUNE 03
LBNL Coordinated plug load research with Rich Brown and Alan Meier. 05-06
ORNL Participated in ORNL partnership with Loudon County (TN) Habitat for Humanity. Instrumentation, data collection, and web hosting of data. APR 03 - MAR 04
NREL Philip Fairey and Danny Parker assisted with the BA benchmark development and review process. APR 03 - MAR 04
Code and Standards Bodies, Federal and State Programs
NFPA Integrated BAIHP research and cost information into 5 proposals for the NFPA501 standards committee JULY 03
NFPA Presented BAIHP cost and duct research efforts which resulted in adoption of a new standard on duct air tightness and testing protocol. SEPT 03
HUD-PATH Reviewed and commented on PATH MHRA mfg home retrofit project. Aug05
HUD - NFPA Supported HUD's John Steven proposals to NPFA-501 committee. Proposals regard ducts and ventilation systems. Reflected in HUD 2004 federal register. JAN, FEB 04 - DEC 04 completed
RESNET BA Benchmark Support, Philip Fairey. APR 03 - MAR 04
Industry and Professional Organizations, Universities, Utilities, and Suppliers
ABSN Coordinate with Alaska BAIHP stakeholder. On-going
ACEEE Residential Buildings Panel Co-Chairs, Danny Parker and Mike Lubliner ACEEE 2004 Summer Study. 03-04
ACEEE Residential Buildings Panel Chairs Mike Lubliner, ACEEE 2006 Summer Study. 05-06
ACEEE Began peer review on papers submitted to ACEEE Residential Building's panel; followed up on issues for ACEEE 2004 Summer Study. MAR 04 completed
AFC Planning and coordination for 2005 Conference Workshop. On-going
AUBURN UNIVERSITY Department of Architecture, Design, and Construction on DESIGNHabitat, a sustainability and energy efficiency project - Worked with undergraduate fellowship winner to draft a monitoring plan and select HOBO sensors. JUNE 03
AUBURN UNIVERSITY HOBOs installed in, and data collected from 2 DESIGNHabitat homes and 1 conventional Habitat home (~3 yrs old). JULY,
AUG 03
AUBURN UNIVERSITY Data from HOBO monitoring sensors posted online and utility bill analysis completed. Review of data and refinement of utility bill analysis. SEPT 03-
NOV 04
AUBURN UNIVERSITY Fellow completed study and presented paper to senior thesis committee. Student took and passed USGBC’s LEED certification test as result of fellowship experience. DEC 03
AUBURN UNIVERSITY BAIHP participated in studio jury and technical support to faculty and students at the Auburn School of Architecture for bi-annual DESIGNHabitat program. 2006
ASHRAE Submitted draft of revised Chapter 9 of ASHRAE Handbook for HVAC Systems and Equipment Systems to Building America partners. APR 03
ASHRAE Submitted draft of revised Chapter 43 of ASHRAE Applications Handbook - Thermal Envelopes. JAN 04 on-going
ASHRAE Chapter 9 approved by ASHRAE TC6.3 with revisions suggested by TC 6.3 members. MAY 03 completed
ASHRAE Submitted Chapter 9 to ASHRAE for publication. MAY 03 completed
ASHRAE Chapter 9 published in 2004 Systems and Equipment Handbook JUNE 04
ASHRAE Lubliner, FSEC researchers active committee member TC6.3 on heat pumps On-going
ASHRAE Lubliner, FSEC researchers active committee member TC9.5 on heat pumps On-going
ASHRAE Worked with TC6.3 members and BAIHP partners to coordinate committee activities for 2004 ASHRAE Symposium in Anaheim, CA. JUNE, JULY 03
ASHRAE For 2004 Symposium, review of papers on HVAC performance. MAY, JUNE, JULY 03 completed
BPA Demonstration, Research analysis and publications on Zero Energy Mfg Home. On-going
CITY OF SANTA MONICA, CA City began planning a community of Green manufactured homes. JUNE 03
Energy Trust of OR Technical assistance on mfg housing incentive program. On-going
Enterprise Foundation Meeting and follow on discussions to provide technical assistance to the Green Communities program in Florida. March 05-April 05
HONEYWELL Organized a meeting with Honeywell to exchange information on Indoor Air Quality research and products. MAY 03 completed
HONEYWELL Honeywell joined BAIHP team. JULY 03
HONEYWELL Monthly/periodic conference calls to exchange information. SEPT 03-MAR 04
IBACOS Support IBACOS technical assistance to the New American Home to be displayed during the International Builders Show in Orlando, FL. in 2005 and again in 2006. Site Work (testing and inspections), photos, and Florida Energy Star rating.Photo/video of the stages of construction provided on a weekly basis. SEPT 03-MAR 06
MAR 04
IBHS IBHS has agreed to become a BAIHP partner and work in the area of expanding their Fortified program to HUD code housing 05-06
LSU Worked with LAHouse Program Manager Claudette Reichel to develop monitoring plan On-going
MHRA Met in DC and Las Vegas, NV to discuss potential collaborations. APR 03
MHRA M. Mullens and S. Chandra participated in MHRA planning conference for 2005 APR 03
MHRA At MHRA request, Neil Moyer assisted MHRA staff in testing single a wide home in Alabama for the MHRA moisture study. MAY 03
MHRA Provided feedback to MHRA on their moisture research plan. MHRA attended BAIHP Project Review Meeting JAN 04
MHRA Continued collaborations with MHRA on testing houses for their moisture study. Written and oral feedback provided. MAR 04
NAHB Participated in the NAHB Building Systems Councils plant tour. Networked with D. Kaufman, exec director and began a dialogue to significantly participate in BSC activities. MAY 03
NAHB Mike Lubliner participated in Energy Value Housing Award judging at NAHB Research Center. on-going
NEEA Technical Assistance to Northwest Energy Star Site Built Program. On-going
NEEM Implementation of PNW Energy Star/BAIHP Program
Including factory and site inspections, specification improvements, tracking and certification of homes.
NIST Worked with NIST staff to coordinate retrofit study and Delta Q testing DEC 05
NOMACO Continued collaborations with Mike Schroeder, Nomaco representative on potential new product. Non disclosure agreement was finalized. APR 03 - MAR 04
NSF/PATH      Participated in NSF/PATH Housing Research Workshop (Feb 12-14) and presented paper. FEB 03
SouthFace Participated in building science/green builder training in the Florida Panhandle. May 2004
SSHC, Inc. Met with SSCI, manufacturer of ENERJOY radiant heating panels, on continued BAIHP research efforts. JUNE 03 on-going
USGBC Bi-monthly conference calls with core committee, additional for TSAC committees APR 03 - 05-06
UCF 1 hour lecture to about 250 students as part of UCF Life activities on improving residential energy efficiency and indoor air quality MAR 04
WA Mfg Housing Working Group Provide technical assistance on state-level HUD-code housing issues. On-going
WSU Supported WSU Solar Decathlon effort. SEPT, OCT 05


Northwest Energy Efficient Manufactured Housing Program (NEEM) Collaborations

ASHRAE: During 2003, in the capacity of chairing ASHRAE’s 6.2 Technical committee, BAIHP staff directed a major effort to revise Chapter 9 of the ASHRAE Systems Handbook, “Design of Small Forced-air Heating and Cooling Systems.” The revisions to the chapter, which incorporated BAIHP research, were accepted by the committee, and forwarded to ASHRAE for publication. In 2004 BAIHP staff provided assistance to other BA teams to improve chapter 43 of the ASHRAE Applications Handbook – Envelopes.

BAIHP staff have also participated in ASHRAE research projects, conferences, symposiums, seminars and forums, including:

  • Authoring a paper on duct leakage, which was submitted and approved for presentation at ASHRAE summer meeting in 2004.
  • Making a presentation at the ASHRAE summer meeting in 2003, “Uncontrolled Air Flow in Small Commercial Buildings.”
  • Moderating a forum on HVAC experiences in HUD code housing at ASHRAE’s summer meeting in 2002. 20 industry and building science professionals participated in the forum.
  • Co-chairing ASHRAE’s Technical Committee 6.3 – Residential Forced Air Heating and Cooling Equipment, which is responsible for ASHRAE standard 152 – Thermal Distribution Systems.
  • Building America research on ductwork and HVAC systems will be included in the next version of the ASHRAE standards. Building America research will also be a part of future efforts in TC 6.3.
  • NAHB Research Center: Throughout the BAIHP effort, WSU staff provided technical assistance and guidance to the NAHB Research Center Energy Value Housing Awards, judging submittals, providing de-briefing to builders, and participating on workshops.  NEEM builders Fleetwood, Champion, Valley and Marlette have received EVHAs for factory built housing.

NFPA-501: BAIHP continues to support the NFPA standards process. The NFPA standard is typically incorporated into the HUD code, which governs the construction of over 250,000 HUD code homes each year.

  • In 2003, BAIHP staff integrated BAIHP duct leakage and cost data into proposals to the NFPA-501 committee. Based on this data, NFPA approved a new standard on duct tightness, as well as a refined duct testing protocol.
  • In 2002, BAIHP staff cited Building America research and demonstration efforts in support of additional successful proposals for standards revision, including duct testing, and use of mastic in duct sealing.


  • BAIHP staff have co-authored two papers presented at ACEEE Conferences, “Pushing the Envelope: A Case Study of Building the First Manufactured Home Using Structural Insulated Panels,” and “Washington State Residential Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality Code (VIAQ) - Whole House Ventilation Systems Field Research Report.”
  • In 2004, BAIHP staff coordinated 24 peer reviewed papers for the Residential technologies track at the Summer Study and coordinated informal sessions on HUD-code housing.

National Institute of Standards and Technologies (NIST): BAIHP staff continues to work with NIST staff and industry representatives to evaluate ventilation and IAQ issues in HUD code homes.

  • BAIHP staff also worked with NIST and the Energy Conservancy to perform tests on a typical HUD code model house on the NIST campus in Gaithersburg, Maryland. Testing indicates low flow rates of the whole house ventilation system and significant duct leakage.
  • In 2004, discussions with NIST, LBL, Ecotope and Energy Conservatory continued on a retrofit research effort with Dupont Tyvek, and development of new ventilation system controls with Panasonic. These discussions will continue.

National Manufactured Housing Research Alliance (MHRA): BAIHP staff continues to participate on MHRA’s ENERGY STAR committee, which is developing Quality Assurance procedures with USEPA on ENERGY STAR manufactured homes. An article on the ZEMH appeared in the MHRA newsletter. WSU worked with MHRA to provide an article on the ZEMH project. WSU continues to provide technical support to MHRA on ENERGY STAR and other building science/energy related efforts such as the MHI roadmap.



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